More stunning cushions I found while browsing through Etsy. These are designed and handmade using applique embroidery and beads, by Bridget Davies. I just love the designs and the way she has used such simple everyday items and settings.
I am a textile designer,beader and crafter. I live in the beautiful seaside villiage of Hermanus with my husband, two boys(who are both working away from home now) and a ginger cat. I love creating things and have always worked with beads,fabrics,design, colours and yarns. My 'proper" job is working as a Literacy & Numeracy facilitator for a local NGO.It is also creative, but in a completely diferent way and most rewarding.
They were stunning indeed! Great find!
These are absolutely delightful. I am always drawn to pretty things that I almost feel I could make myself - simple yet beautiful.
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