Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Melt down!

I have had the most disastrous three days. My trusty printer has decided not to work. The key pad is frozen and will not budge! I have had to talk very sweetly to my customers who I must say have been very understanding. My husband (the computer boffin) is in Cape Town at the moment so I will just have to wait patiently and hope that he can work some magic.
I did contact the suppliers, who are in Spain, and they did try to fix it on-line. This was an amazing experience. They connect up to your computer from there and you can watch the cursor moving around on your computer and see exactly what they are doing. It's quite unnerving to me to think that someone so far away is actually moving the cursor on MY machine, here in Hermanus. As fantastic as it was, still no luck in fixing the problem! I live in hope for Friday!


Jesse said...

How frustrating! I hope it gets fixed soon.

Denise Kiggan said...

Well it's Friday today! Hope it all gets sorted out!