Necklaces for a wedding. Unfortunately I didn't take a pic of the necklaces, only the packaging!Won't make that mistake again! They were rather beautiful in crystal, white and silver beads with a hint of grey.
The cards were attached with white thread and matching beads. I was very happy with the outcome and hope the bride was too!
This is a "Cellini Spiral "and uses over 3000 beads. The pics don't really do it justice, this "bead photography" is completely different to photographing fabric. I took some close ups but they were all out of focus so I need a bit more practise. My digital printing is now a thing of the past and I intend to restock my shop with beaded products. I need to build up a bit of a range and then hopefully start selling again. I do really enjoy the beading but it is extremely time consuming. I love the textures you can create by changing the size or type of bead, the colour combinations and different designs. It really is a learning curve for me but I am loving every moment !